FPDS is committed to providing the safest environment possible for our children, families, and staff during the pandemic.
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Board of Directors

First Presbyterian Day School is guided by a volunteer Board of Directors. The Board is responsible for fulfilling the purposes of the Day School in both day-to-day operation and long-range planning.

The responsibilities of the Board of Directors include—but are not limited to—the following:

  1. Providing for the financial health of the Day School, including approving budgets and monitoring finances;

  2. Formulating policies for admission to the Day School; 

  3. Approving fee schedules; 

  4. Working to broaden community support for and understanding of the services offered by the Day School; 

  5. Hiring, firing, and supervising the Executive Director, including recruitment, selection, and evaluation. 

  6. Ensuring that the Day School provides safe, satisfactory working conditions for its employees, through development of personnel policies, encouragement of employee training and development and through supervision of the Executive Director.

  7. Ensuring that the Day School provides a high quality program for each child, meeting health, education, and social work needs; 

  8. Maintaining communication with the First Presbyterian Church Service and Mission Committee

Currently, the Board has twelve members. It can consist of up to 15 members, and must have at least three members from each of the following groups:

  1. First Presbyterian Church, including representation of one staff member

  2. The Durham community at large

  3. Parents or guardians of children currently enrolled at FPDS

Board members are elected to serve two-year terms, and may serve up to six consecutive years. New members are generally nominated in the fall and take office in January. 


Kate Thegen, Interim Chair, Community

Will Jolly, Parent, Treasurer

Mariel Beasley , Parent, Secretary

Simon Marshall, Parent

Nathan Williams, Community

Kashama Leo, Community

Esther Hethcox, Church

Taylor Crabtree, Church

Kim Abels, Church

Zulaykha Clemons-Dunn, Community

Stephanie Rodriquez, Parent

Michele Miller-Cox, FPDS Executive Director

Aurelia Mangum, FPDS Assistant Director

Board of Director Meetings

Board meetings are generally held on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. and are open to the public.

Currently board meetings are currently being held virtually. If you would like to attend, please email FPDSboard@fpdayschool.org to request the link.