Tuition and Rates
We're proud to offer tuition rates that are competitive among five-star options in the Triangle area.
The Infants - 6 weeks to 12 months
$1,510.00 / month
The Ones - 12 to 24 months
$1,464.00 / month
The Twos
$1,391.00/ month
The Threes
$1,222.00 / month
Pre-K - four- and five-year-olds
$1,185.00/ month
We accept subsidized payments.
FPDS offers limited tuition scholarships.
“The teachers at FPDS have created a welcoming atmosphere. I look forward to the hellos that greet us at drop off/pick up. I also appreciate the pictures sent to show me activities the boys engaged in during the day. It gave me a sense of comfort to see how engaged they were in classroom activities”