Resources for Current Families
Support First Presbyterian Day School
Raise funds for FPDS when you shop at Harris Teeter! It’s easy and it’s free. Simply give the cashier our code, 3490, and your VIC card when you check out, and your card will be linked for the entire school year. Once your card is linked, FPDS will receive a percentage of all your Harris Teeter brand purchases.
As always, donations are accepted. Please contact the school to find out how you can donate, or send a check to FPDS at 305 E Main St, Durham, NC, 27701.
Volunteer! FPDS invites parents to share their time and talents to help make the center the special community it is. Here are some ways you can help:
Class representative/room parent
Computer (website, assisting staff with database software, etc.)
Center beautification
Graphic design
Library support
Yard Sale/Bake Sale
Translation of written materials into Spanish and/ or other needed languages